A new short stay car park has opened on the service road of the former Indoor Market.
The car park provides customers with a good value, convenient and centrally located short stay facility close to the new Market Hall, surrounding shops and businesses.
It includes 35 spaces, two dedicated to Blue Badge holders and an area for motorcycles. The short stay feature will allow visitors to park, up to 30, 60 and 90 minutes with no return within a two hour period.
The car park will work on a pay and display system and will have two machines on site with the option to purchase a virtual ticket via MiPermit.
Entry to the new car park will be accessed via Tenterfield Street and users will exit the car park via the service road to the rear of Lime House onto Ring Way.
Councillor Robert Boswell, Cabinet Member for Environment and Community Safety at Preston City Council said:
“This new car park is a great addition to Preston and allows easy access while shopping in the city centre. The short stay period is perfect for picking up your weekly shop from Preston Markets and visiting the local businesses on Orchard Street and the surrounding areas.
It is great this opportunity has arisen for this temporary car park, which I’m sure will welcomed by many people.”